Online Poker Vs Live

by admin

Playing online poker is faster than live poker and everything is actual. Online poker is much convenient because you can play where ever you are. While live poker, you need to give a time for it. How Online Is Different from Live Poker Speed: When you go to a casino and play live poker, you might see a hand get dealt every couple of minutes. Once you take a seat at an online poker table, you could.

There are a number of notable differences between live and
online poker. Although the fundamentals of the game are largely
the same either way, the overall experience you get from playing
live is simply not the same as the experience you get from
playing online. Some of the differences can actually have a
significant impact on certain aspects of the game.

In this article we’re going to do a comprehensive comparison
of live and online poker by taking a detailed look at a number
of areas where the two differ. We’ll also consider the effects
that these two options have on players, based on their
differences, and try to determine whether online poker or live
poker has the most advantages to offer.

  1. Playing online poker is definitely more convenient than playing live, especially if you don’t live anywhere near a casino or poker room. There’s no need to make a trip, as you can play any time you choose just.
  2. A lot of people will assert that live poker tournaments and online MTTs are completely different entities. Online MTTs require more solid fundamentals, such as the the ability to calculate pots odds, equity.

Speed of Play

This is easily one of the biggest and most tangible
differences between online poker and live poker. Playing online
is a lot faster, for fairly obvious reasons. Much of what takes
up time at live poker tables is done automatically and therefore
much more quickly at online poker sites. There’s no need for the
deck to be manually shuffled after each round, the cards are
“dealt” in a split second, and any chip counts are done

These things all have a major impact on how long it takes to
play a hand.When playing live you can expect to see around 30
hands per hour at the most, whereas online you can expect to see
at least double that on average.

Online Poker Vs Live

You might not think that this faster pace is a big deal, but
it really is. If you’re a winning player then playing more hands
should ultimately equate to making more money, and even if
you’re just playing for fun you’ll probably find the fast pace
games far more enjoyable. The slow pace in the live environment
can get very frustrating, particularly if you’re not getting
good cards. A lot of your valuable time may be wasted just
waiting for something to happen.



Online wins. The faster game makes for a better all-round experience.

Current Score

Convenience & Comfort

Playing online poker is definitely more convenient than
playing live, especially if you don’t live anywhere near a
casino or poker room. There’s no need to make a trip, as you can
play any time you choose just by firing up your computer and
logging into whichever site you use. A lot of sites even allow
you to play from mobile device these days, so you can even
squeeze in a quick session when you are out and about if you
want to.

As a general rule, playing online is a much more comfortable
experience. The chairs in most poker rooms aren’t necessarily
uncomfortable but they don’t compare to the comfort you feel
from playing at your own home. You can sit (or lie down)
wherever you want when you’re playing online, and you don’t even
have to get dressed if you don’t want to. It’s not like your
online opponents can see you!


Online wins easily. It’s far more convenient to play and generally more comfortable.

Current Score

Game Availability

Many live poker rooms around the world are only open during
certain hours. Even the ones that are open 24 hours can’t
guarantee that you’ll always be able to find games to join. It’s
quite possible that you could visit at a time when there’s only
one tournament running that you’re too late to enter. It’s
equally possible that you could visit at a time when all the
cash game tables are full and there’s a lengthy waiting list
made up of other players waiting for a seat just like you.

You don’t run into these problems online. Poker sites never
close and you’ll always find games running around the clock.
Some times are busier than others, so you’re not always
guaranteed to find action at your preferred game and stakes, but
there’ll always be something for you to play.


Online wins again. Game availability is much better at online poker sites.

Current Score

Social Factor

One of the drawbacks to playing online is that you miss out
on the social factor. Most sites include a chat function on
their tables, so you can at least communicate with your fellow
players, but it’s really not the same as actually talking to
them in person.

The ability to have a laugh and a joke with opponents is a
big part of what makes poker such an enjoyable game for many
players. Some players aren’t too bothered by this aspect of
course, preferring just to focus on their game, but overall it’s
fair to say that the social factor is something that gives live
poker the edge over playing online. It just adds a little
something extra to your overall experience.


Live wins this one. Poker is a clearly a more social affair in a live environment.

Current Score

Game Selection

The selection of games available at poker sites isn’t even
comparable to what’s available in a live environment. There’s a
massive variety of games to choose from online, whereas your
options are usually quite limited in even the biggest live poker

Most poker sites offer several different variations of the
game for starters. Texas Hold’em is the most popular but there
are plenty of variants you can play too. The larger sites
typically offer all of the following:

  • Omaha
  • Omaha Hi/Lo
  • Seven Card Stud
  • Razz
  • Five Card Draw
  • Mixed Game Formats (e.g. H.O.R.S.E.)

Most of the above are usually available in both cash game and
tournament formats. You have a choice of betting structures too
with limit, no limit, and pot limit all widely available. You
can also choose whether to play full ring (up to nine or ten
players), short-handed (maximum of six players), or heads-up
(just two players).

We also cannot overlook the wide range of tournaments offered
online. In terms of size you’ll find everything from small sit
and go tournaments to large field multi-table tournaments and
there are many different types of tournaments as well.
Freeze-outs, re-buys, guaranteed, knockouts, turbos, and
satellites are just some the most common types.


Online wins and it’s not even close. The selection of games available online is huge.


Current Score

Range of Stakes

One of the major advantages of playing online is that there’s
a wide range of stakes that’s suitable for all budgets. You can
play cash games with blinds as low as $0.01/$0.02 and there are
tournaments which can cost as low as one dollar to enter. There
are also plenty of high stakes available for those who like to
wager substantial amounts and everything in between is covered

This is quite a contrast to what you’ll find in your typical
live poker room. Many places are very limited in terms of the
range of stakes available and even the bigger rooms with a more
complex range don’t compare to what’s available online.


Another easy win for online. Most poker sites offer stakes to suit all budgets.

Current Score

Live stream poker cash games

Option to Multi-Table

For any of you that aren’t familiar with this term,
multi-tabling can be defined as playing at multiple tables at
the same time. This is easy to do at most online poker sites,
but it’s essentially impossible to do in live casinos.

Many recreational players and almost all beginners aren’t
affected by this. They typically have absolutely no interest in
multi-tabling, preferring to concentrate on playing as well as
they can in one single game.

It does affect a lot of more experienced players though and
certainly those that play poker full time, as the option to
multi-table allows them to make money at a significantly faster
rate. Therefore, it has to be considered a big advantage to
playing online.


Online wins. Mutli-tabling enables many players to make a lot more money.

Current Score

Reads & Tells

Reading your opponents is a big deal if you want to be a
successful poker player. You don’t need to be able to literally
read their mind, but it will certainly be beneficial to you if
you’re good at figuring out what they’re doing and why.

Online Poker Vs Live Poker

There are two main ways that you can get a good read on an
opponent. One is by studying the way they play and analyzing it,
as this gives special insight into their overall playing style
and how they act in certain situations. The other is by studying
them physically and looking for any tells in their body language
that might give something away about the cards they hold or how
they are about to bet.

The first method mentioned above can be used in both a live
environment and online. The second method can only really be
used when playing live though. This highlights one of the very
significant advantages that live play offers over online play;
the ability to physically observe your opponents and gain
information on them. This simply cannot be replicated online and
for some players it’s absolutely vital to how they play the


Live wins. The ability to gain physical reads on your opponents can be invaluable.

Current Score

Game Analysis

Another notable difference between playing live and online is
that there’s no automatic record of your hands in a live
environment, whereas at poker sites all your hands are recorded
and available for you to review upon request. This might not be
a difference that many people think about when comparing these
two options of playing poker, but it’s actually a very
significant aspect that shouldn’t be overlooked.

The record of the hands you have played (which is commonly
referred to as your “hand history”) can be a very valuable tool
when it comes to developing your game. It enables you to study
and analyze all your past play, which is something you really
should be doing if you want to improve your skills. Unless you
have a truly incredible memory, you won’t be able to do this
analysis on your live play.


Online wins. It’s much easier to analyze your own game when playing on the web.

Current Score

Bonuses & Rewards

This difference is a very simple one and relevant to a lot of
players. Virtually all poker sites give their players some form
of extra value in the way of bonuses and rewards, while live
poker rooms generally do very little by comparison. Some sites
can be quite generous to their regular players, but some do
nothing at all. As a general rule there’s far more extra value
available to earn online.


Online wins comfortably. Poker sites give away far more extra value than live rooms.

Current Score

Are Online Poker Players Better Than Live

Final Score: Online Poker 8 – Live Poker 2

Is Online Poker Harder Than Live

From the differences we’ve discussed here it seems pretty
clear that online poker has more advantages than live poker. The
issues of convenience and availability are the biggest
advantages in our opinion, closely followed by the much greater
variety of games and stakes available online.

We wouldn’t go as far as to state that online poker is
indisputably better than live poker though. We’ve demonstrated a
number of advantages it has when comparing the two, but which
one is “best” is ultimately a matter of personal preference.
It’s also worth noting that you don’t have to choose one or the
other, as it’s perfectly possible to enjoy playing both!


When it comes to poker, there are many similarities you’ll find between playing the game in a physical casino and playing it online. However, several differences are present between the two options. On this page, I’ll present you with the four most common distinctions between playing poker online and in a casino. Using this page, you’ll be able to decide if one of them is a better fit for your unique needs.

Here’s a quick list of what will be covered within this guide:

  • Poker Options
  • Physical Tells
  • Prize Pools
  • Time Limits
  • Conclusion

Play Live Poker Online

Selection of Options

One of the primary differences you’ll immediately notice between playing poker in a casino versus online is the number of options you’ll have to choose from. Typically, brick and mortar casinos have a variety of different games and tournaments available. However, based on my experience, there’s often a more solid lineup of possibilities when playing online.

For Example:

My local casino offers live poker options. The most common choice is cash games for Texas Hold’em. While they do offer some tournaments, it’s hit or miss depending on their schedule and if they’ll fill up enough to run them. I tend to have a tough time finding what I’m looking for on-demand unless I happen to time it perfectly. However, when playing online, I find a much broader selection of choices to play poker. The number of options comes not only across the structure of possibilities but also the types of poker which can be played.

When playing poker online, you’ll almost always benefit from many more choices to select from. Be sure to check out your options at your local casino and determine if they provide everything you need or if it’s better for you to explore online poker instead. Check out the image below from Bovada’s poker room to get an idea of what you might expect to find when playing online.

Physical Tells

When playing poker, looking for physical tells is one of the best ways to get a feel for if your opponent has the nuts or is on a big bluff. No matter if you’re watching the pulse of their neck or their eyes, there are many ways to use these tells to gauge the potential strength of their hand.

However, if you’re big into reading physical tells like I am, then you’ll need to learn to adapt when playing online. Sadly, you won’t be able to check other players’ physical looks to help you determine your next move. Instead, it’s even more important when playing online to pay attention to their playing style even when you’re not in the hand.

One of my favorite things to do is take advantage of the notes section on many of the popular online poker sites. Using these, you can type notes on each player, which only you can see. For example, if you notice a player tends to bluff often, you can make a note of it in the notes section. Then, if you end up in a hand against them, you can consult your notes to help you determine your next move against the player based on how they’ve previously played hands.

To learn more about physical tells, check out this link to a poker strategy breakdown. Using this guide, you’ll be able to gain insight on tells you can possibly see from your opponents as well as how you can try to avoid giving them off yourself.

Potential Prize Pools

Something else which can differ significantly between playing poker in a physical casino or online is the potential size of the prize pools. In general, you’ll find a much broader selection of tournaments with larger prize pools at online casinos like Bovada than you will in a brick and mortar casino.

Don’t get me wrong. It’s possible to find some significant prize pools in actual casinos. After all, the World Series of Poker takes place in one of them and has prize pools worth millions of dollars. But, daily, there’s a much more extensive lineup of possibilities online than there are in person.

The reason behind this is simple. It all comes down to how many folks are available to play. For a brick and mortar casino, there’s only a certain amount of people willing to get there to play poker. However, with online poker, folks can virtually join the tournaments from anywhere around the globe. In turn, this allows the number of entrants and the prize pools to swell quickly.

Time Limits to Act

The final key difference between playing poker online or in a casino relates to the amount of time you have to act when it’s your turn to check or bet. When playing in a home game, you’ll often have the most relaxed time limits, as these home games tend to be mostly friendly without any set time restraints. However, if you end up taking too much time too often, you’ll be sure to upset the other players at your table.

Similarly, when playing the game in a casino, things still tend to be mostly relaxed with player time limits to act. Ultimately, the other players can call clock on you if they feel you’re taking too long to move the action along. Here, you’ll have a little less flexibility than a home game, but still much more time to act than a typical online poker game.

When playing online, time limits are very rigid. And there’s a good reason for this. With folks playing virtually, it’s not possible to prompt them to act like you can a player that’s sitting at the same physical table as you. If you’re new to playing poker online, I’d suggest trying out some play money games first to get a feel for things before you put real money on the line.

Often, you’ll have 30 seconds or less to check or bet. If you don’t act within the timeframe, your hand will be folded, and you’ll go inactive until you notify the software that you’re back.

For those of you who are worried about acting in time, I’d suggest checking out the poker betting structure beginner’s guide. Here, you can quickly study up about how everything flows in a game of poker to ensure you’re always able to act swiftly when it’s your turn.

Online Vs Live Poker Skill Level


Thanks for stopping by to check out this blog about the key differences between playing poker online and in a brick and mortar casino. If you liked what this article offered, be sure to explore the rest of this website to see how else we can help your poker game. There’s an entire poker hub where you can find all sorts of additional poker resources in one convenient location.

No matter if you’re planning to play poker using an online casino or in a physical one, you can step up your knowledge of the game using all of the detailed information included in the hub.

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